Gumala is committed to maintaining and respecting cultural protocol and acknowledges the use of Member images throughout the website. If at any time you become aware that an image exists on this website that should be removed for cultural purposes, please contact the office on (08) 9219 4500 as soon as possible.



The aim of the Arts Program is to support Gumala Members through their visual and performing arts, strengthening our Members’ cultural identity and creativity. The program will assist Members with the costs associated with any aspect of visual and performing arts. The program will run from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.


Members may access these funds to help pay for the cost of art and craft supplies, to help meet the cost of attending arts or craft workshops, to assist with fees for attending visual or performing arts courses, to purchase musical instruments and equipment, and to help meet the cost of producing and promoting art. A tax invoice, quote or supporting letter/enrolment details of the art course or workshop must be sourced and sent to Gumala with the Flexible Program application form. Payments will be made directly to suppliers.

Supporting Documents

  1. Program application form
  2. Tax invoice or quote

Items available under the program

  1. Arts and craft supplies (brushes, canvases, paint, yarn etc)
  2. Cost of fees for attending visual or performing arts courses
  3. Travel and accommodation (associated with the cost of attending arts and craft workshops or courses)
  4. Fuel (associated with the cost of attending arts and craft workshops or courses)
  5. Musical instruments and equipment
  6. Cost of producing art (short film, CDs, plays etc)
  7. Other requests will be considered at GAC’s discretion

Items NOT available under the program

  1. Food
  2. Vehicle repairs
  3. Vehicle registrations
  4. Purchasing art
  5. Business advertising costs