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The aim of the Tertiary Assistance Program is to improve the capacity, knowledge, skills and overall education of our Members. The program provides financial assistance to students enrolled in TAFE or tertiary courses. Each eligible Member will have up to $4,500, depending on their level of study:

  • Cert I or Cert II = $2,000 limit per Member
  • Cert III or Cert IV = $2,500 limit per Member
  • Diploma, Bachelor degree or above = $4,500 limit per Member

The student must be recognised as a Member or Beneficiary of the Trust to access funding. Any assistance provided will be paid directly to the goods or service provider or the educational institutions themselves. The program will run from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.


Funds may be accessed to pay for course enrolment fees, as well as items listed below. All applications must provide up-to-date confirmation of course enrolment, or acceptance if not yet enrolled, for the current semester. The supporting document should include the Member’s name, the name of the school/institute and the level of the course to be studied so that the correct funding can be allocated. (Course acceptance letters as the supporting document will only be accepted when Gumala is paying for enrolment fees.)

Students may not access funding for the same level course the following year; they must show a progression to a higher level, unless they are changing their field of study. Students studying a bridging course through a university should provide a letter from a representative of the university that outlines that the course is a pathway or can be converted for the purpose of further tertiary studies on successful completion of the enabling course. A tax invoice or quote must be sourced from the goods or service provider and sent to Gumala with the Tertiary Program application form.


Any registered Gumala Member or Beneficiary enrolled in a TAFE, university or nationally accredited course is eligible for this program. Applicants need to provide proof of enrolment studying Cert I or above for TAFE, or a Diploma level course or above for tertiary.

Items available under the program

  1. Books
  2. Stationery
  3. Uniforms
  4. Enrolment/course fees
  5. Equipment – e.g., laptop, iPad (only one per financial year)
  6. Vehicle maintenance
  7. Fuel
  8. Food
  9. Rent/Mortgage payments
  10. Flights

Items NOT available under the program

  1. HECS HELP – Study Assist
  2. Property bonds
  3. Smart watches and mobile phones