The aim of the Education Program is to provide financial support to help Gumala families with schooling their children. The child must be recognised as a Beneficiary of the Trust to access funding. Any assistance provided is paid directly to goods or service providers, or the schools themselves.
The current 2024 school year program runs until 31 October 2024. The new Education Program will run from 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2025. Funds from the 2024-25 financial year are not available until 1 November 2024.
The program provides the amounts below and will not exceed these amounts:
Kindergarten Assistance – $1000 | Primary School Assistance – $2500 | High School Assistance – $3000
Please complete the Student Registration form first, then complete the Student Application form and provide all relevant documentation.
Enrolment records need to be provided for the child at least once during each school year. Member Services cannot process applications under this program until enrolment records are provided if they have not yet been provided for that school year.
Applications under the Education Programs must be in the name of the child. These funds may be accessed by parents to pay for education-related expenses (see list below). Parents may pool children’s funds together if required for items where all children will benefit, e.g. a home computer.
A tax invoice or quote must be sourced from the goods or service provider and sent to GAC with the Education Program application form and proof of enrolment for the child, if not yet provided. Please use separate application forms for each individual child. Where payments are being made directly to the child’s school, enrolment records are not required.
The program provides the amounts below and will not exceed these amounts:
• $1000 per child for kindergarten students
• $2500 per child for primary school students
• $3000 per child for high school students
All school aged Gumala Students are eligible for this program if:
- They are going to school (enrolment records are required)
- Their parent is a registered Member of Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (pending Member’s children cannot access funds)
Items available under the program
- Books and stationery
- School fees and contributions
- School Uniforms
- Canteen lunches
- Camp and Country Week Fees
- School photos
- Tutoring
- School Excursions/ Sporting Fees
- 1 x Computer/Ipad per Educational Year (including Repairs)
- Driving Lessons (Learner’s permit may be requested)
- One Pair of Prescription Glasses
- Travel and accommodation (boarding school and school bus services only)
Capped items available under the program ($800 limit in total for capped items)
- Bicycles and scooters
- Sports clothing
- Musical instruments
- Gift Card limit of $300 per application
Items NOT available under the program
- Food
- Fuel
- Mobile phones and smart watches
- Daycare and Before/After School Care fees